Simply put, Living The Highest You means bringing the truest version of you into this world each and every day.
We are all more than we often show ourselves to be, or even believe ourselves to be. We are more than our fears and doubts. We are more than the external and internal conflicts we may be struggling with or the ego-driven desires that carry us to great highs and great lows, often causing us confusion or even turmoil. And we are more than our physical bodies.
We have a higher nature. And this “higher nature,” when embraced, honored and cultivated is capable of transforming our lives along with the lives of those we encounter.
Living the highest you means acting from the highest place within us all; not being controlled by, or giving control over to, our lower nature or egocentric self.
Our physical bodies are nothing short of miraculous, and we are blessed to live a physical existence, but we are so much more. We are souls. All created equally.And all here to learn, share, and make a difference in our own unique and marvelous way.
Living in alignment with our higher self is living in an alignment with our core essence, it grants us access to greater understanding and a larger seeing, it allows us to bring our truest self forward, to discover our greatest gifts, for which we may then share with the world. From this higher perspective we are aware of the interconnectedness of all life and the sacredness of this interconnection.
From this place, all things are possible.