Each of these books will take you deeper into the path of self knowing and Self Mastery. They are simple, yet profound offerings that will provide you with the needed insights, tools and awareness to understand and best live a peaceful, balanced, inspired life.
Years ago I gave away countless copies of James Allen’s “As A Man Thinketh” (also available as “As A Woman Thinketh“)and Peace Pilgrim’s “Steps Toward Inner Peace“. Some of you reading this may have even received them from me. They are inspired works, and perfect gifts. They also go very well together. Recently, both of these little pamphlet style books (“Thinketh” is also available in regular book sizes) reentered my life. Upon seeing them, I instantly recalled how much they gave to me, and how much I wanted to let the world know about them.
Simplicity of communication is very effective. And needed. Especially in this modern age where many of us are overwhelmed with information. And that’s what these two beloved books, along with “Mastery,” offer. And that’s why I grouped them together for this photo, first thinking of them as a “daily survival kit” of sorts, but really seeing them as part of a “daily awakening or ‘remembering’ kit” helping us to recall, and live within, our highest nature.
Peace Pilgrim would often say: “As I lived accordingly to the highest light that I had, I discovered that other light was given, and that I opened myself up to receiving more light as I lived the light I had.” This is what “Mastery: Living The Highest You” is all about, allowing that highest light in, and doing so for the benefit of all.
Learning to become aware of our thoughts, where they originate, where they are leading us to, and where they may be holding us back, is key.
All three of these books will help you to “chip away the layers that no longer serve you” and live beyond the ego, beyond the small self.
From the introduction of “Mastery: Living The Highest You” “The Master you are already exists. Similar to the way Michelangelo knew that the statue he sought to create already existed within the stone and famously said, “The sculpture is already complete. I just need to chisel away the superfluous matter,” it is for you to chip away the layers that no longer serve you and allow for the masterpiece you are to finally shine forth.”
There are a great many self help and spiritual style books in this world, and I trust that you will be guided to the ones that will serve you best.
I humbly offer mine, along with these two gems.
Blessings, Glenn
To receive a free copy of “Steps Toward Inner Peace” and the book “Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work In Her Own Words” visit www.PeacePilgrim.com